so, today post will take about welcoming september..and here's what i've been waiting for in september..
so far, the september issue (the most important issue in fashion) of world known magazines will be charlize theron for vogue, ashley olsen for marie claire, jennifer aniston for ELLE, jessica simpson for glamour, jennifer lopez for instyle, and amanda seyfried for allure
but what i like the best is ASHLEY OLSEN FOR MARIE CLAIRE..
why? let the picture speaks for itself

honestly if it were up to me to decide who's gonna be the cover of september issue, here's what i am gonna do:
VOGUE: for me vogue has to present class and lady-like, and i think women such as angelina jolie, michelle obama, or kate winslet will make the perfect cut
ELLE: elle is more british to me, that's why i think who's better than kate moss herself or maybe you can put newcomer lily donaldson or alexa chung ^^
MARIE CLAIRE: has to be a girl-next-door quality, try some cameron diaz, jennifer aniston, blake lively, or probably katherine heighl
GLAMOUR: MK-A in one cover! :)
ALLURE: allure can try rising star seperti camilla belle, natasha poly, atau catherine mcneil, must be so effing cool!
most waited:
#1 grey's anatomy
WHY? last we saw it, it was izzie and george, death or alive? i need to say more cause i can ramble for about 1 hour. first try what's gonna happen with izzie and how will she react with george being death? second, mcdreamy-mer happy ending? real wedding? third, crossover between grey's and PP? when? tell meee nowww! fourth, of course, what about hunt-xtina? something's gonna happen out of it or will it crash and burn before u know it? AHHH! im dying for an answer like NOW!
#2 house
WHY? well, dealing with house in mental hospital is absurd enough, putting him out of it will be crazier? TRUE? so, what's next for the evil genius doctor? oh, and please any HUDDY-R this season? please please tell me yes and please no hallucination cause we're running low with some cannabis :p
#3 gossip girl
oh yeah, chuck-blair, hilary duff, and yea, jenny as queen bee? enough to make me do countdown!

now quite frustrated, not just quite, VERY! im looking FORWARD FOR SOME HOLIDAY!
yes, else i'm gonna die very very soon and tragically
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