oh,oh,oh we can't get enough of it! so may i present to u my pick for 20 best tv series of the decade (PS. this is the series that I've actually seen myself, lol)
20. The O.C.

One of the best guilty pleasure (sans Gossip Girl), The O.C mixed with drama, violence, teenage issues, love, and sex. We have a couple, we're rooting for (Summer-Seth), we have villain to hate, a beautifully broken Barbie Doll (Mischa Barton's Marissa Cooper), and memorable quotes of "Welcome to the O.C, bitch!"
19. True Blood

The series is raw, horrifying, yet blood-craving. We always want more! The sweetness of Bill, Sookie's Southern charm, and Eric undeniably sexy touch! Yes, we shall not crave our neighbor! Hahaha :p
18. CSI Miami

If you think crime won't happen in sunny state like Florida? You're dead wrong! CSI miami brings us the scandal, the crime, the envy, the lust of high class Miami resident. Of course, the team consisting of the 'always wearing sunglasses' Horatio Caine, perfect Southern barbie Calleigh Duquesne, the Cuban heartbreaker Eric Delko, the quirky yet caring ME Alexx Woods :D
17. One Tree Hill

Gosh! Like Friday Night Lights, One Tree Hill also brings sports-themed, Basketball! Meet the bunch, the basketball superstar, Lucas Scott, his half brother Nathan Scott, Lucas' girlfriend Brooke Davis (the queen of the circle), Brooke's on-off BFF, Peyton Sawyer who is in love w/ Lucas, Nathan's love of life and Lucas' BFF, Hailey James Scott. Yes, welcome to the chain!
16. Fringe

awesome, unbelievable! that's fringe. a story about unusual phenomena investigated by FBI (Olivia Dunham) and mad scientists (Peter and Walter) okayy what do you get? Think about X-Files meet Twilight Zone! Then you get your answer!
15. CSI

Possibly be the most watched TV series in this decade, CSI points out what you can see, not what you think evidence (means hard evidence). Meet the team, the quirky yet genius scientist, Gil Grissom, the headstrong and hard-willed Catherine Willows, the 'loner' Sara Siddle, the problematic yet kind hearted Warick Brown, the lady charmer Nick Stokes, and the rest of them, such as ME, police, lab tech bla bla! Keep asking, Who are you? Just like the show does!
14. the closer

While CSI points out hard evidence, Closer makes the suspect talk to be used in Court Law. How? The master behind it, Deputy Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson, the 'sweetlooking', 'slob looking' yet brilliant criminologist. With her hard tongue Southern accent and usual 'Thank you-s', we're hooked! :)
13. Vampire Diaries

Still struck with Twilight? Then you'll love Vampire Diaries! Get ready to be swoon over by Stefan's sweetness and of course mysteriousness, or maybe you'll be hooked by Damon's mega hotness! AWWW! :) LOVE IT!
12. Glee

It has only been less than one season, but America is hooked w/ Glee! Even I do! I love the singing, the dynamic, the drama, the.. ahhh! Oh and yes, everytime I watch Glee, I swear I'm singing and dancing!
11. CSI:NY

Out of all, CSI saga, this one is my fave! 1st, NY! (i love NY!), 2nd the team is far more intriguingly attractive (LOL), and the crime is far more exciting! There you hv it!
10. 30 rock

30 rock is awesome! PERIOD! (that means done!) Yes between Tracy's tantrum throwing, Liz's feminist act, or Jack's stupidity, 30 rock is indeed the best!
9. House M,D.

How can a person be that genius yet be that evil in the same time? That's just wrong! House is nothing like your dreamy doctor (take hint Grey's) but yes, it has some level of mastermind that creates crazy dynamic. Yes, admit it please, you also love the sarcasm jokes, the sexual tension between House-Cuddy (HUDDY!), and those jerkass act of his!
8. Bones

Bones, another crime solving show! However, unlike other show, Bones shows a comedic side, scientific point, and also dynamic teamwork all at the same time!
7. X-Files

X-Files was actually the first TV series that I really like! You know what because it combines those impossible things that can't be explained yet we're forced to live with, the very dynamic partnership between Scully and Mulder and of course, those little green mens didn't dissapoint either!
6. Lost

Yes, everytime I'm done watching Lost, I'm left mouth opened, brain as scattered as it could possibly be, yes, it's complicated, but that what makes this series oh so interesting! My fave character? Juliet. Why? Okayy, she's this most horrifying protagonist/antagonist, understand? yes me neither!
5. Damages

OMG! I've never seen anything that intimidating and intense as DAMAGES! Better! It was amazing amazing amazing! Can you believe that I watch this series in just like 2 days! I LOVE IT SO MUCH THAT I keep imagining Patty Hewes as my mentor!
4. Gossip Girl

Between the glamorous and ever stylish clothes and those rich brats drama, I'm so hooked with Gossip Girl! Another reason to watch? Blair Waldorf! I mean she's probably one of the best tv characters ever! :) The extra bitchiness yet vulnerable side of Blair leaves me dazzled! And the boy of hers, Chuck! I wish I could date him right here, right now! xoxo, Gossip Girl! :)
3. Grey's Anatomy

Anybody has the slightest idea how many times I've watched 3rd season of Grey's? 10? Nope! More than that, I've watched season 3 for approximately 28 times, and then I lost count! I love love Grey's, I love Meredith Derek, I love the drama and inspirational quotes, I love Addison (she's my fave female character in grey's!), I love Bailey's leadership skill, I love Christina's highly competitive side (remind me a lot of myself), I love Izzie's positive attitude! AWWW! And yes, I love Mcdreamy's hair! and Those "MC" duhhh!
2. Sex and The City

The most stylish show to ever hit earth! Sex and The City affects today fashion! that's a definite statement! 4 single ladies with their own style, their own drama, their own boy, their own Blahniks, and now I'm addicted to it! :) Carrie Bradshaw is the fashion icon of course ;D
PS. Can't wait for SATC 2 (30 May 2010!)
1. Friends

We all know that everybody loves Friends so let's make our series report card:
Best Character: Rachel Green! Yes, the spoiled brat is my favorite! Jennifer Aniston definitely plays Rachel in her best way because she turns this supposedly hated character into lovable one and even makes her win an Emmy, how cool is that?
Best story line: Rachel-Ross 'we were on a break' or maybe Monica-Chandler stupidity?
Best line: Joey, doesn't share food!
What about you? what's your pick for best tv series?
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