so enjoyy! ps. it's a long list so prepare yourself in case lols :)
#25 liz lemon (30 rock)
liz and the devil wears hypocrite boss, jack donaghy
why liz? well, liz is a perfect example of independent woman working in behind the camera. liz yang selalu punya ide creative is a great figure to be loved. selain itu, the way liz handles things with the "crazy hypocrite" boss, wow she deserves some medals!
#24 chuck bass (gossip girl)

chuck bass is the "bad boy charming"

mama bear bailey!
#24 chuck bass (gossip girl)
chuck bass is the "bad boy charming"
duh chuck bass is like the hottest guy in gossippgirl (sorry chace no offense), first, chuck yang keliatan dari luarnya bad and manipulative ternyata sweet and actually romantic (blair, " who knew chuck bass is romantic?" yeah right! i agree blair) and yeah, chuck itu really tries hard for what he wants and passionate about getting the girl that he loves (that means u blair!)
oh yeah, who could forget the accent? the accent! and one more thing, chuck bass has the best style too :)
#23 catherine willows (CSI)

willow shows the edge of real woman in crime
oh yeah, who could forget the accent? the accent! and one more thing, chuck bass has the best style too :)
#23 catherine willows (CSI)
willow shows the edge of real woman in crime
so, here's a brief information about her, willows is currently the supervisor of CSI las vegas. she replaced the position of gil grissom. three things that i absolutely love her about her: her fighting spirit ( dia ga pernah gampang nyerah gitu aja dalam hadepin kasus), her motherly side ( she's a single mother with a young teen girl), and commitment dia terhadap sesuatu. plus dia juga nunjukin kalo women also can lead! ^0^
#22 miranda bailey (grey's anatomy)
#22 miranda bailey (grey's anatomy)

mama bear bailey!
first impression, "siapa sih? mukanya koq ga banget?" well, that's bailey, one of the doctors from grey's anatomy. remember, don't judge a book by its cover. that goes with bailey, bailey is indeed one of the most brilliant doctors in grey's anatomy. not because of her intelligence or her high degree, bailey is good at crisis, dia juga terkenal tegas, wise, but punya prinsip. dia juga ga takut nunjukin her disagreement dan very protective terhadap anak didiknya. i'll just say, bravo bailey!
#21 monica gelller (friends)

monica, the control freak!
#21 monica gelller (friends)
monica, the control freak!
monica yang famous for her controlling behavior memang kadang be the pain in the ass for her friends tapi di balik semua itu, monica punya banyak banget sifat bae loh! first, she's the one yang paling wise dari antara yang lain dan selalu tenang dalam ngehadepin krisis. second to that, monica always tries to impress her friends and make em happy! that's what friends are all about right? ;D
#20 peter bishop (fringe)
#20 peter bishop (fringe)
peter is the modern "fox mulder"
peter? pertama, dia CAKEP! heheh, selain itu, dia juga smart with IQ of 190 (PHEW! near to genius) also dia juga care banget loh sama his crazy father, walter and her colleague, olivia :)
dia selalu be the rational one during crisis, so what else could you from him? ahhh! :p
#19 summer roberts (the O.C)
dia selalu be the rational one during crisis, so what else could you from him? ahhh! :p
#19 summer roberts (the O.C)
rachel bilson at her best! summer roberts at first adalah bitchy insecure girl yang we love to hate, tapii lama-lama, we really saw her and we kindda like love to love her, right? summer yang appeared to be dumb girl ternyata pinter, care about her friends, and very independent! and admit it, we love summer-seth pairing more than any pairing in the O.C :)
#18 serena van der woodsens (gossip girl)
#18 serena van der woodsens (gossip girl)
a picture perfect of an "it" girl
menurut aku, serena is 100% "it" girl material. serena has pretty face, fashion forward style, great body, smart, and good personality. most importantly, she's so popular that everybody seems can't stop talking about her! sayangnya serena kadang bersikap naive dan mudah banget percaya sama orang lain, akhirnya ini pun jadi masalah. serena is like a violin with a broken string (broken past)
#17 james "sawyer" ford (lost)

sawyer, where did you get all the idea for the nicknames?
#17 james "sawyer" ford (lost)
sawyer, where did you get all the idea for the nicknames?
sawyer is an ass? correct! but, the reason that i love him is his wicked sense of humor. sawyer tends to mock people all the time, creating weird nicknames for them, calling them like he doesn't care but actually he's a gr8 guy!( example he helped other survivors during crisis -> saving walt) besides, hearing those nicknames tickles my stomach (bwahaha!)
#16 stella bonasera (csi:ny)

one thing about stella-> passion
#16 stella bonasera (csi:ny)
one thing about stella-> passion
one thing about stella yang ga bisa dikalahin karakter apapun is passion. stella dalam investigate every case always tries her best to finish it until to the bottom of the problems. selain itu, dia juga care about the victim dan memang bener-bener mau fight for the justice. hwvr, kebiasaan stella ini kadang-kadang malah datengin masalah buat dia since she often crosses the line and got into serious trouble
#15 temperance "bones" brennan- seeley booth (bones)

#15 temperance "bones" brennan- seeley booth (bones)
dynamic duo :)
THAT's WHY he's NO freakin ONE!
ok i made these two in pairs, karena memang keduanya sulit banget dipisahin. they're like the dynamic duo! hihi. brennan and booth usually works together in a team, solving crimes. but it's not that part yang kita interested tapi gemana mereka saling ngelengkapin each other, bones in logic side, booth in psychological side. and believe me, they function like the most reproductive machine :)
#14 kate austen (lost)

the leaders of the pack, jack and kate :)
rachel was spoiled rich daddy little girl, yea, that was a past, but look at her now, how much she has changed, she is a mother, has a steady career in fashion, and love interest at heart :)
easy to say, she's my favorite friends!
#14 kate austen (lost)
the leaders of the pack, jack and kate :)
kate yang punya really really dark past is loveable, why? because di balik catatan kriminalnya, kate is actually doing all of those stuffs for the people that she loves. kate juga care banget with other fellow survivors, mostly jack and sawyer. besides, she's a tough girl and i love tough-fie :)
#13 dana scully (x-files)

scully is the scientific "believer"
#13 dana scully (x-files)
scully is the scientific "believer"
i like her because..well, ok let's start from the fact that she has a medical license but insist on not being an MD. dia malah milih menjadi FBI and bekrja bareng "spooky" mulder. i must say, wow, siapa sih yang mau jadi dokter apalagi kalo udah punya Medical License? and of course, courage dari scully is two thumbs up! dia ga pernah takut dalam ngehadepin apapun. dia juga tetep insist on her belief, in her scientific point of view, walaupun dia juga bisa nerima that extraterrestrial life does exist! 0_0
#12 juliet burke (lost)

juliet is an optimist :)
#11 remy "thirteen" hadley

thirteen is hella gorgeous!
#12 juliet burke (lost)
juliet is an optimist :)
juliet first appeared as an antagonist yang joined the others, tapii sebenarnya this doctor is on the right side. she joined jack and other survivors and fought against ben. but what i love the most about her is that she keeps believing that one day she'll get off the island. when the others had lost hopes, dia tetep percaya dan terus berusaha to leave the island so she can reunite with her sister, rachel
#11 remy "thirteen" hadley
thirteen is hella gorgeous!
thirteen is a doctor from house's medical team. thirteen yang punya specialty in internist, is known with popping ideas yang kadang bisa jadi lead buat diagnosis. tapii hal yang paling aku suka dari thirteen is dia eventually ga nyerah pas tahu dia sakit huntington (thanks to foreman!) dan dia ga overly attached with patients tapi juga tetep care. and yeah, notice her face? she's so PRETTY :)
#10 meredith grey (grey's anatomy)

dark and twisted? no more!
#10 meredith grey (grey's anatomy)

dark and twisted? no more!
meredith was known for her dark and twisty, but now since she has a happy life with derek, it seems mer is more light and shinny (wth?) mer is my fave because dia selalu say something that is just inspiring. besides, she's half of mer-der, how can i not love her?
#9 izzie stevens (grey's anatomy)
another grey's! yay! this time it's isobel stevens, known as "izzie". izzie is soo loveable because of her "spirited" personality. selain itu, she's the one that cares about others and she's damn funny. so hell yea! it's good to have her back on season 6. oh yeah, she uses word "seriously" like no others do!
#8 jack shephard (lost)
#9 izzie stevens (grey's anatomy)
another grey's! yay! this time it's isobel stevens, known as "izzie". izzie is soo loveable because of her "spirited" personality. selain itu, she's the one that cares about others and she's damn funny. so hell yea! it's good to have her back on season 6. oh yeah, she uses word "seriously" like no others do!
#8 jack shephard (lost)
jack is a perfect leader :)
try imagining what would it be kalo ga ada jack? well, i believe that the fellow survivors are probably death by now! jack yang udah identik sebagai the leader of the survivors punya ciri khas keras kepala tapi selalu mentingin yang lain. he always takes decision for the others and try to fix everything. sometimes, he can be too hard on himself and ended up with self-destructive behavior. but, who doesn't wanna be saved by this hot doctor?
#7 blair waldorf (gossip girl)

try imagining what would it be kalo ga ada jack? well, i believe that the fellow survivors are probably death by now! jack yang udah identik sebagai the leader of the survivors punya ciri khas keras kepala tapi selalu mentingin yang lain. he always takes decision for the others and try to fix everything. sometimes, he can be too hard on himself and ended up with self-destructive behavior. but, who doesn't wanna be saved by this hot doctor?
#7 blair waldorf (gossip girl)

oh effing stylish blair
yes, she's mean, but who cares? blair is the best bitch that tv history ever had! blair yang always talk in her own way, dresses in her own way menjadi perfect figure of how a girl should be (except for the manipulative side, hey, she's a human!) selain itu, blair juga is such a good friend loh, when serena is in crisis, dia selalu siap membantu :)
#6 lisa cuddy

#6 lisa cuddy
okay dealing with house is worse than dealing with a monkey lols :)
cuddy's my favorite female character, why? 1st cuddy's reaction to house always seems to be so oh-brilliant, second cuddy is one of the smartest doctor, graduating second after house. but the best part is cuddy can actually stand house. i mean that's gotta be something right? considering who house is. oh yeah, my equation: house+cuddy= hot chemistry (Lols)
#5 rachel green (friends)
rachel was spoiled rich daddy little girl, yea, that was a past, but look at her now, how much she has changed, she is a mother, has a steady career in fashion, and love interest at heart :)
easy to say, she's my favorite friends!
#4 addison montgomery (grey's anatomy/private practice)
from all the grey's anatomy character, addison is one of the best! addison is what doctor should be, not overly attached with patient but still cares about them. besides, addison, we can really relate ourselves with her, her frustration, happiness, and misery finding that she's 40 and actually her life is that empty. and of course, addison is one of the brightest, well mannered, with one of the smoothest reputation ob-gyn. one thing i always love about her, her rambling when she got nervous, pissed, or might actually be ecstatic :)
#3 gregory house (house)
house is the biggest jerk in tv! haha :) well but love him or hate him, he's still a genius! and of course, sarcasm is the best! seriously! arghhh how can he be that cool and smart at the same time?! and yea, he thinks one step ahead from all of us. ok, i'm not starting, house is 'indescribable'
#2 carrie bradshaw (sex and the city)
carrie bradshaw, the name is so popular that most of people know it and yes, she's actually my favorite female tv character. carrie is that likeable to me not only because of her insanely stylish collection of clothes which mr. big built a wardrobe for (a huge huge white one with such a flawless design) but also her personality and her quotes. my favorite quotes of her is "i like to see my money hanging in my closet" (that means in a form of designer clothes or manolo blahniks heels) i couldn't agree more, it's the best thing to have the money invested in clothes. okay, besides, carrie who is a writer always uses edgy way of speaking, describing what's happening with her life. one more thing, carrie is very loyal to her friends and always sticks with them no matter happen :)
#1 derek 'mcdreamy' shepherd (grey's anatomy)
he's mcdreamy because:
1. he has a great hair
2. he looks good with white robe
3. he's a freakin world renown brain surgeon
4. he proposed on elevator
5. his face is prince charming's face
6. he always smiles and lights up @ his 'princess' *siighh*
7. he always says, "it's a beautiful day to save life, let's have some fun"
8. he went gaga but goes back better than ever!
9. he gave solo surgery as wedding present
10. he took care of your crazy psycho dog
1. he has a great hair
2. he looks good with white robe
3. he's a freakin world renown brain surgeon
4. he proposed on elevator
5. his face is prince charming's face
6. he always smiles and lights up @ his 'princess' *siighh*
7. he always says, "it's a beautiful day to save life, let's have some fun"
8. he went gaga but goes back better than ever!
9. he gave solo surgery as wedding present
10. he took care of your crazy psycho dog
THAT's WHY he's NO freakin ONE!
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