why we love it:
it's the next generation of X-Files! but this time around, it's centered more in scientific aspect of what the technology damages had left behind. besides, look at executive producer, JJ abrams? ok! what could go wrong, right?
PS. Joshua Jackson from Dawson Creek stared as Peter Bishop and he's 100% gorgeous! ;)
revolutionary road, a tragic story about young couple leading a complicated-full of tension life in revolutionary road. jack and april wheeler played by the everlasting movie pair, leo-kate dealed with those issues and tensions. but how long will they be able to handle it?
taken from critically acclaimed novel of richard yates, revolutionary road is a picture perfect of the reality in american couples' marriage through years of changes
why we love it:
it's the reunion of leo-kate duo! besides, the role of jack and april were played oh so beautifully by leo and kate that it's so realistic to me. and yeah, kate's husband, the director of oscar winning film american beauty, sam mendes directed it with great scenes picturing the life of the true married couple.

sex and the city, joined carrie, charlotte, miranda, and samantha, the 30 and 40 something women of new york as they deal with relationship, career, family, and friendship issues in style. carrie and her quirky senses in shoes and also emotional gamble in men, as she continues falling for "mr.big". charlotte, the girl that believes in everlasting happily ever after ending. miranda, hardcore cynical lawyer that never leaves her work desk. samantha, the maneater with attitude.
why we love it:
THE CLOTHES MY DEAR! this is the mother of all fashion series! look at the manolo blahniks, the fabulous gucci, the viviene westwood dress, and the overloaded designer wardrobe! you can't get enough of em!
all the gossip girl addicts, you will love it cause it's the big sister of gossip girl :p
how to lose a guy in 10 days, kate hudson stared against matthew mccounaghey in romantic chick flick as andie and ben, two persons from random life playing bets against their friends in getting and losing love in 10 days. during that period, a lot of tricks and funs added to the drama! will they lose each other or will they end losing themselves to one another?
why we love it:
it's one of the best chick flick for the fresh comedy, the fun stunts, and memorable quotes. besides, kate hudson proved herself as one of the romcom leading lady! :)
why we love it:
two words: FASHION DESIGN!

why we love it:
fresh, funny, and fierce! :)
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