it has been 5 years since bomb last rocked Indonesia! and now, here we go again! this time, it's worse than ever! 2 bombs in row, what a madness! :(
masih aja ga ngerti, kenapa sih bisa yah, ada orang yang bisa ngelakuin gitu, ngebunuh satu orang aja udah horrible banget, ngebunuh begitu banyak, plus injuring the rest of them! koq bisa yah mereka punya hati kaya gitu? tentu aja, ga bisa dijawab karena mereka udah ga punya hati lagi, mereka tuh udah bagaikan robot yang dikontrol sama "tuan"-nya.
intinya, gw merasa pissed banget, upset, and clearly prihatin sama keadaan ini. Indonesia udah kerja keras for almost 5 years untuk recovering from the bomb, kenapa di saat Indonesia mau maju lagi, kita harus kaya gini? this is so unfair! :(
as for the terrorists, has it ever occured to them, for even one second kalau korban itu innocence? mereka ga ngelakuin apa-apa, atas dasar apa mereka ngebunuh orang yang ga salah sama mereka?
sebaliknya, mungkin saat ini mereka lagi pesta ksenengan karena ngelihat penderitaan orang, kesedihan orang! tapi di balik semua itu, they're a pussy! a COWARD! kalau emang mereka believe in the right, kenapa ga face it like a man? malah mereka ngumpet, kabur, lari, ninggalin aja kaya gini! heartless!
intinya, kita ga boleh nangis terus, terus-terusan hidup dalam ketakutan, kita harus bangkit, lawan mereka! don't let them scare us! karena dengan gitu they win! kita kalau bersatu, yakin koq pasti bisa ngatasin mereka semua! may the burn in hell (even hell's not the right place, it's far too good!)
as for the family of the victims, hv to say, i'm so sorry for what happened, but they're HEROES! unlike the terrorist yang cuman bisa lari aja dan bisa-bisanya manggil mereka HERO! fuck u! eat my shit! :(
RIP and my prayers go to the family and the loved ones :(
*sorry for the flame post, i'm just upset, very upset :(
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