While both Izzie and George are on the operating table, Meredith tells us the five stages of grieving. Izzie open her eyes, and George does not.
Callie suffers a breakdown. She can't breathe, and Bailey and the rest go to the OR. Derek says they did everything they possibly could have.
No one knows if George is a donor, and the Chief tells them that he has called George's mother. Bailey is still speechless.
Amanda tells Lexie and Mark that John Doe is George ... whoever that is.
Alex doesn't want to tell Izzie that George is dead. Sadly, Izzie remembers parts of her dream, and says George might die in the army.
Lexie points out that John Doe is too tall to be George, giving everyone a glimpse of hope that maybe George is not dead.
Meredith has to explain to everyone that John Doe squeezed her hand and wrote with his finger "007" - but no one is buying it.
Everyone tries to call his phone, but it goes to voicemail. Callie knows a foolproof way to be sure - a freckle on his hand that looks like Texas.
She shakes her head and cries as it becomes official.
The Chief has to remind a shaken staff that George jumped in front of a bus to save a life, so everyone answer their damn pages so they can save some too.
Arizona sees a kid who is apparently misdiagnosed. The mother of the kid notices that everyone's crying. And George's mom comes to see Callie.
She reminds Callie that as his wife, she has to decide what to do with his organs. She says it's already hard enough what she's going through.
Cristina and Owen hold hands in the ambulance bay and find a victim of a boating accident who's missing an arm. A couple of girls arrive with a missing appendage.
Arizona tells Callie to go home to cry and scream. The mom of the kid points out that everyone's crying, including the intern working on her son.
Arizona insist there's no need to bring her son elsewhere.
Callie is debating with Alex to tell Izzie, so she can make the decision about George's organs. "You have to tell her, " she insists.
Sloan says that the arm can be attached to the girl who lost them, Clara.
Izzie just left a message on George's phone, when Alex tells her to stay alive and be strong for the news. This is it, folks.
Bailey is sitting on a bench outside, when Arizona sits next to him. Bailey tells her to go away, but Arizona is insistent on getting her opinion.
Derek is trying to comfort Meredith, who tells him that all she needs is for him to stay. Alex and Meredith take Izzie to see George, with Amanda telling them sorry and that she feels guilty.
Izzie looks at George's disfigured face, and holds his hand. She says he would want every organ in his body to be used to save lives.
Derek tells the Chief that the hospital board is planning a coup to oust him, and replace him with Derek. He said he'd think about it to buy the Chief some time.
Yang comes out of the OR to find no family or friends waiting for Clara so she orders Lexie to be her family and support system.
She's going to wake up in a lot of pain, so she needs somebody.
Miranda Bailey wants to know the names of the people getting all of George's specific organs - kidneys, lungs, liver, the works. She's having a hard time coping with what has just happened.
The next day, Yang and Owen start to have some hot sex, but they stop short because Owen is undergoing therapy. He can't lose himself in her unless he gets to the bottom of his own issues first.
Yang calls boating accident victim ceviche. As someone who watches Top Chef, that is pretty funny to me.
Clara is awake says she hates the people who left her. However, she doesn't want to call her mum and opts instead to send an email, which she dictates to Lexie. She does not mention the accident.
At the funeral, Amanda is the only one crying. Izzie starts to cry and goes away, followed by Alex, Cristina, and Meredith.
And she starts ... laughing. Laughing that George is dead, that Amanda is crying far more than George's mom when she haven't even met him. And she brings up the post-it marriage and everyone starts laughing.
People grieve in different ways.
Derek is kind of pestering the Chief to make his decision, but Richard is not having it. Mark finds Lexie in the locker room.
She needs to clear out his locker but couldn't do it.
Mark asks her, what did George have that all these women were so crazy about? Was he ... you know, hung? Classic Mark.
Bailey discharges Izzie, and they hug.
Andy is back, and her mom is sure this is not growing pains. Clara - is sending out more fictitious emails to her mum, saying she's fine.
Callie goes to see the chief about a job opening that wasn't happening, and it escalates into a shouting match as he tells her the guy she was going to replace is not going to retire for another year or two.
Callie cries in the elevator. Bailey, beside her, doesn't do anything.
Mark is pounding on Torres' door, and she emerges crying. Alex and Izzie get home to find Meredith and Derek doing the nasty in the stairs.
Louise O'Malley goes to talk to Owen, and says she's finding it hard to believe that his George - his boy - would join the army.
Owen says George did it to save lives because he is just that awesome.
Lastly, Clara tells Lexie that George, in fact, is better off because he's dead. "Just let me die!" she starts screaming.
Which brings us to part two of the premiere, "Goodbye" ...
Callie is still upset at the chief and gets a job at Mercy West.
At day 22, the residents start making cancer and George. Well at least Cristina does. She's even more out of line than usual, but funny!
Callie asks Lexie and Mark for fashion advice for her first day at Mercy West. Then she strips in front of the couple like it's the most natural thing in the world. Lexie is a little taken aback by all this.
The Chief practices his speech to the board in the car, and in the middle of showering himself praise and accolade, doesn't notice the red light. A car hits him, but he looks OK, just a little frazzled.
He is wheeled to Mercy West, and of course, Torres is there. She has one of the interns patch up the Chief's leg. He quizzes the doctor about the hospital's program, and he says it's "not too shabby." The wheels in Richard's head start turning.
At day 23, Owen and Cristina talk to Dr. Wyatt and Cristina is anxious to prove to the therapist that they're a normal couple. But Dr. Wyatt cuts through the crap and says she just wants him to be comfortable with her.
When the trauma and all of his war issues are brought up, along with the whole choking incident, Cristina is taken aback. She says the problem is that they don't talk about the disorder, and asks them to wait.
Lexie reads over an email that she intends to send her patient's mom. The patient calls Lexie a bitch and demands she not.
Back at Mercy West, Andy (the kid who no one can diagnose) was referred by Arizona to Callie, and the mom is angry because no one seems to know what's wrong with her kid.
Yang and Bailey are fighting while operating.
Derek informs Mark that the chief is making him chief - because he's retiring ... kidding! Oh, those Grey's Anatomy fake-outs.
Callie gets home and tells Arizona that it's inappropriate and manipulative what she did - but still, she did it. The scan doesn't show anything.
Lexie also gets home and finds Meredith and Derek doing it on the counter. They really are doing it all the time, everywhere.
Alex is being distant to Izzie in their trailer. She tells him that she wishes for a brain tumor so that he can see George. It's awful. Alex is insulted, however, and tells her "real seductive" that she tells him she misses George.
Shepherd goes to the chief's office to ask if there's anything he needs to know. He gets blown off. Arizona runs to Derek, telling him she needs to have a test run on the boy. Derek agrees to sign off on it
Meanwhile, Clara is starting to learn to walk with her prosthetic legs. But she still wonders what she's living for.
Arizona says she gets why people say Derek's McDreamy. Derek tells Karev, who tells Arizona that he's not even married, that they consummate the marriage all the time, unlike Karev. That one hurt.
Thanks to Arizona's insistence, the hard-to-diagnose boy finally gets, well, a diagnosis. Well, more thanks to Derek, who discovers that his spinal cord is tethered to something it shouldn't be. He'll fix.
Izzie and Alex are referred to another doctor because Swender apparently doesn't like dealing with not so major cancer patients, which is a good thing. Izzie's cancer has stopped growing.
Day 37. Dr. Shepherd is operating on the boy, and insists that Arizona makes the first cut, because this is all thanks to her.
Lexie's informs Clara that people are calling her ceviche - which she actually finds funny, and the two share a laugh.
At day 39, Amanda is still on her Seattle Grace bench and Izzie comes to her to talk. She tells her to have enough respect for George to go get a life. She obliges.
It's another session with Dr. Wyatt, and Cristina makes a joke about Owen choking her. Dr. Wyatt is not amused. Things get serious, and Owen states that she wasn't trying to hurt Yang, even if he doesn't know what he was really trying to do.
Dr. Wyatt confirms that this was progress: "You made a start."
Clara, meanwhile, makes her first step with her prosthetic leg, and tells Lexie that she's ready to call her mum.
Lexie goes in to move with Mark. Alex comes home to their trailer, which is lit with a bunch of candles. Izzie orders her to take his pants off, but he tells her that he's still scared because she died in his arms.
Derek catches up with Miranda on the elevator. Bailey says she should stop caring too much for these people, like Georga and Izzie, because she needs to reserve those emotions for her son, who needs her.
Owen tells Cristina that he doesn't want to hurt her.
Meredith sees George's stuff being taken away, and says "The minute you think you're past it, it starts all over again."
Cristina gives the closer of the voiceover - "George O'Malley died" - and nearly gasps at the realization. After all this time.
It's day 40, and the Chief, apparently having survived getting the axe from the board himself, tells the staff members at Seattle Grace that they will merge with Mercy West, and that there are only so many jobs, meaning some people will sadly get the axe.
The CW has pulled the plug on The Beautiful Life after airing only two episodes. The ratings were dismal for the premiere and apparently things weren't looking up after the second week on the air. This makes TBL the first of the new Fall shows to be canceled after two other new CW shows — Melrose Place and The Vampire Diaries — were both picked up for more episodes. Sad news for Mischa Barton, the rest of the cast, and producer Ashton Kutcher. So, are you disappointed to see The Beautiful Life go so soon?Personally, this is such a bad news, since I love The Beautiful Life and I love to see Mischa back on TV. I hope another show is ready to fill in (hint: I'm looking forward for them bringing back privileges or maybe..IDK, new show?)