Thursday, September 10, 2009

9.09.09 week :))

ok today's post is not gonna one of those high fashion post. today i'll talk about what's happening to me lately ;)

so, this week is pretty hectic for me, well, restless for me to be exact. honestly, i can hardly wait for weekend! i hate block exam, daily test, and all that kind of shit, the school keeps giving me. hwvr, during this hell week, i also hv some pleasure, at least to me.
from working on my project (yang btw sepertinya akan dikirim ke LKIR, moga2 saja deh, finger crossed), ICYS project (so i'm making ethanol from waste product, go green!) sampe belajar macem-macem dari fisika, bio, kimia, dan teman-teman evilnya. bisa dibilang gw udah jarang bgt isti-2, let alone doing another thing selain konsultasi untuk proyek. weirdly, gw malah lebi enjoy spending time like this. well, listen to me, i'm not a loner, i swear to u! i like crowds, i work on it! :) but well, ga tau kenapa kalo isti habis konsultasi proyek dan nemuin inspirasi baru, rasanya jauhhh lebih puas dibandingkan di kantin minumin c2, haha :p
besides, ternyata pas isti 2 tuh banyak banget hal yang bisa gw kerjain, mulai dari belajar pelajaran yang ga jelas, sosialisasi sama temen-temen sekelas, etc. walaupun dicap "nerd" "geek" or whatever, frankly, gw ga peduli, I DON'T CARE :3
for me, life's way too short for playing around. time goes faster than you think and you nvr know about it. sosialisasi emg penting banget, tapi passion on doing something tuh jga penting loh.

"passion is what driven you to the next level, doing something without passion means nothing, not even a bit" - quotes by me

so, kalo kamu emg punya passion in learning, kamu bisa koq belajar dimana saja, kapanpun, hehe :p and bener deh rasanya worth it banget nginget udah sma 2 dan harus gali ilmu sebanyakkmungkin buat college. soooo.. it's now or never for me, and i choose to be provocative in doing something :)



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